The food technologist


The food technologist: a centipede?

What does a food technologist do? And what does that mean for Food Dynamics? Merel is happy to tell you more about that.

Physics, chemistry, microbiology…

My name is Merel, owner of Food Dynamics. Welcome to my innovation lab!
I am a food technologist.
Most people do not know what a food technologist is, they think I am a cook, baker or pastry chef.

But I am a food technologist.

And there is special school for that. During the education, all product groups are examined from a chemical, physical and microbiological angle.

What am I doing as a food technologist? As a food technologist you work on the invisible layers in a product. No product, is just a product… The composition of the recipe and the functionality of the raw materials have been very carefully considered.

And don’t forget the process, how it’s made?

A food technologist conducts research:

  • How do ingredients work together?
  • What makes the cake nice and crispy, but just enough crisp, without breaking in the packaging?
  • How can the nutritional value of a product be improved without affecting the taste?
  • A food technologist calculates recipes and nutritional values, draws up ingredients declarations and researches shelf life.
  • We also develop new concepts, textures and flavor combinations.

Product development

What does that mean for Food Dynamics? I support companies with product development. To gain insight into the technological properties of ingredients, the product range and the application possibilities.

The world of food technology is diverse. And I am a food technologist working in product development. Product development in the broadest sense of the word. So not just inventing new flavors, but the whole design of a product.

As a food technologist you must be able to work in a structured and accurate manner. Analytical and creative thinking and being technical, is an advantage.

I hope to have explained a bit about what a food technologist does. To give you a sneak preview in my innovation lab, there will be a follow-up to this blog. I will take you digitally along a ‘normal’ working day for me.

Do you have any questions or remarks? Fill in the contact form and I will contact you shortly.