Digital tour


Just peek…

Welcome! In this video I give you the opportunity to peek at Food Dynamics.

My name is Merel Rijnen, food technologist and owner of Food Dynamics.

Today, I give you a digital tour at Food Dynamics.

My company is located in the industrial area of Tichelrijt in Dongen. Dongen is a beautiful municipality to live and work in. The village that has grown through the soft drink industry. The only Coco Cola factory in the Netherlands is located in Dongen.

I work as a product developer for manufacturers in the food industry and provide training courses to food professionals.

Here you see my ‘Wall of Fame’, products that I have developed or that I have been part of. A little bit of my pride!

And as you can see, I mainly focus on the chocolate, confectionery, ice cream and bakery industry.

To talk quietly with suppliers and customers, we go to the consultation room.

In the presentation room presentations are given, test sessions are held and theory lessons for training courses are given. In addition, my office.

But where all the magic happens is in the innovation lab! New products are developed here, technologies and applications are tested. A nice workspace where also the practical part of training courses takes place.

Worth a visit

Would you like to taste the atmosphere at Food Dynamics and know what I can do for you? You are invited!